摘要: 分析了地铁列车的牵引特性和制动特性, 提出了三种典型的牵引计算策略, 即最快速牵引策略, 最经济牵引策略和理想型牵引策略。在最快速牵引策略的基础上, 将列车运行过程分解为启动和牵引过程、制动和进站过程、接近限速运行的中间运行过程三部分, 针对各个过程分别构建了牵引计算的软件模型和算法。试验线路计算表明, 该模型可以计算出区段最短运行时间, 并使列车准确停站, 具有一定实用价值。Abstract: Based on studying metro's traction characteristic figures and brake characteristic figures, this paper put forward three representative policies of traction calculation, the quickest policy, the most economical policy and the perfect policy. According to the quickest policy, metro's operation was divided into start-up and traction process, stop and pulling process, and keep running at limit velocity operation process. Aiming at these processes, their traction calculation software models and arithmetics were presented. Tested calculation results indicate that the traction system can calculate the shortest travel time with the models and arithmetics, and make train pulling process more veracious.
Key words:
- urban mass transit /
- traction calculation /
- traction policy /
- algorithm
表 1 算例线路数据
Table 1. Sample line data
开始位置/m 0 250 500 550 600 800 900 1 100 1 260 1 400 坡段长度/m 250 250 50 50 200 100 200 160 140 270 坡度/‰ 2 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 7 7 曲线半径/m ∞ 300 300 ∞ 400 ∞ ∞ 500 500 ∞ 限速/ (km·h-1) 80 75 75 80 75 80 85 80 80 80 表 2 计算结果
Table 2. Calculation result
区间距离/m 走行时间/s 平均速度/ (km·h-1) 最大速度/ (km·h-1) 进站初速/ (km·h-1) 牵引时间/s 牵引率/% 1 670 104.2 57.7 81.6 75.2 53.4 51.3 -
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