摘要: 基于在优化结构边界和孔洞周围附加人工材料的思路, 结合传统渐进结构优化法和单元应变能分析, 研究了基于应变能的结构拓扑优化方法, 给出了结构拓扑优化的基本原理, 导出了具有单元增、删功能的渐进结构优化基本公式。对具有各向同性的均质材料的桥墩和桥梁结构进行了仿真设计, 结果显示结构的最大与最小应变能的差距显著减小, 其拓扑解类似于工程中出现的结构, 表明该方法的基本原理可行、有效。Abstract: The man-made material is added around optimal structural cavities and boundaries. Based on evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method and element strain energy analysis, a structural topology optimization method was developed with strain energy analysis. The basic theory of topology optimization was given, and the formulae of ESO method with the function of removing and adding elements were derived. Simulation designs of bridge pier and bridge structure with isotropic material were completed by the proposed method. Simulation results show that the difference between the maximum and minimum strain energy remarkably becomes little, and the topology structures are similar to the ones in engineering, which indicates that the basic principle of the proposed method is feasible for structural topology optimization.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- structural optimization /
- topology optimization /
- man-made material /
- design method
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