摘要: 分析了配送网络规划复杂的非线性组合优化问题, 以配送网络中的运行费用、设施投资费用及可靠性费用之和最小为目标函数, 建立了配送网络规划的数学模型, 设计了相应的蚁群算法。应用结果表明该算法的计算结果与实际的配送网络规划线路相符, 是可行的。Abstract: Based on analysing the complicated, nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem of distribution network planning, this paper put forward a mathematic model of network planning and an ant colony algorithm taking the minimum sum of operation cost, reliability cost and investment cost as object. The computing result of the algorithm accords with the real situation of network planning, which shows the algorithm is feasible.
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