摘要: 分析了航空装备可靠性、维修性、保障性(RMS) 评审中存在着许多难以量化的因素, 利用专家经验等隐性知识, 构建了基于证据理论的航空装备RMS评审模型, 通过证据合成, 消除或控制了航空装备RMS评审中的不确定性, 提高了评审决策的科学性。Abstract: In order to quantify many uncertain factors in reviewing of aviation equipment reliability-maintainability-supportability (RMS) and make fully use of implicit knowledge of experts, RMS review model based on evidence theory was set up. Through evidence combination, the uncertainty in the RMS review process of aviation equipment is get rid of or controlled, the scientificness of RMS review decision is improved.
Key words:
- evidence reasoning /
- review /
- reliability /
- maintainability /
- supportability
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