摘要: 分析了轨道高低不平顺非线性预测理论, 根据广深线运量和轨、车检测数据, 采用多元回归分析得到广深线轨道高低不平顺非线性预测模型, 将该模型用于预测未来轨道不平顺的发展情况, 并与实际检测值进行对比和误差分析。结果表明, 两者图形趋势较为一致, 说明用该模型预测轨道高低不平顺发展趋势是可行的。Abstract: Based on nonlinear forecast theory of track irregularity, a forecast model was developed by multiple factor regression analysis with traffic data and inspection data of track inspection car. Future track irregularity development was forecasted using this model. The values of forecast and inspection were compared, and the error between them was analyzed. It was pointed that the figures of forecast and inspection are similar. The result indicates that it is feasible using the model to forecast longitudinal irregularity.
表 原始数据采样格式(部分)
Table . Sampling format of original data (segment)
里程 左高低/mm 右高低/mm 速度/ (km·h-1) 正 负 正 负 K9+025 5.8 5.4 5.2 4.3 43 K9+050 4.0 2.8 2.9 3.1 K9+075 3.2 5.1 2.7 4.2 K9+100 6.1 8.0 4.7 7.2 K9+125 4.1 4.3 5.1 4.0 表 2 广深线部分时段运量
Table 2. Traffic volume of part period of time in Guangzhou—Shenzhen line
检查时间 区段 起、终点里程 通过运量/ (106 t·月-1) 累计通过运量/ (106 t·a-1) 1998.6 广州东—下元 K0+000—K27+002 2.003 25×6 348.726 50 下元—深圳 K27+002—K146+261 2.003 25×6 286.526 50 1998.7 广州东—下元 K0+000—K27+002 2.003 25×7 350.729 75 下元—深圳 K27+002—K146+261 2.003 25×7 288.529 75 1999.1 广州东—下元 K0+000—K27+002 1.821 7 362.567 70 下元—深圳 K27+002—K146+261 1.821 7 300.367 70 表 3 轨道构造系数
Table 3. Track structure coefficient
轨型 轨枕类型 道床厚/cm 构造系数M 60 木枕 35 0.371 1 60 木枕 25 0.490 8 60 混凝土枕 35 0.764 4 60 混凝土枕 25 1.000 0 -
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