摘要: 应用遗传算法, 考虑货物装载重量、装载容积、优先装箱及非同时配装等约束条件, 采用适当的个体编码方法, 并构造合理的适应值函数, 优化铁路集装箱运输中的普零货物拼箱配装。结果发现以42件货物装入10t箱, 利用遗传算法得到的集装箱装载重量利用率为83 8%, 优化了装载结果, 达到了装载要求, 这说明该方法是可行的。Abstract: In order to make good use of container's loading weight of volume in railway transportation, this paper constructed reasonable coding and fitness function by improved genetic algorithm, according to loading weight, volume and priority. It was found that 42 pieces of goods are loaded into a 10 t container, the container usage ratio of loading weight is 83.8%. Applied result shows that the algorithm is feasible.
Key words:
- logistics engineering /
- loading in container /
- genetic algorithm /
- optimization
表 1 各货票货物质量及外径体积
Table 1. Goods quality and volume
货票编号 ai/t vi/m3 货票编号 ai/t vi/m3 货票编号 ai/t vi/m3 1 1.221 1.05 15 1.040 2.60 29 1.102 2.46 2 1.156 1.98 16 0.805 1.23 30 2.041 2.20 3 0.700 2.00 17 1.220 0.65 31 1.900 2.80 4 1.243 3.14 18 1.000 2.40 32 2.400 3.20 5 1.600 2.86 19 1.782 0.87 33 1.029 3.00 6 1.612 2.17 20 1.100 1.54 34 3.000 1.20 7 2.300 4.80 21 1.030 5.60 35 1.840 1.20 8 1.930 5.20 22 0.730 4.40 36 1.796 3.89 9 1.850 2.30 23 1.030 1.80 37 2.650 1.01 10 1.900 3.80 24 2.430 3.80 38 1.975 1.23 11 1.120 2.00 25 1.520 4.00 39 0.800 1.00 12 1.431 4.02 26 1.890 5.46 40 1.100 3.20 13 0.600 2.78 27 1.320 3.54 41 1.200 0.80 14 0.306 3.22 28 1.150 1.60 42 2.000 1.10 表 2 配装结果
Table 2. Result of goods arrangement
货票编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 配装结果 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 货票编号 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 配装结果 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 货票编号 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 配装结果 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 目标函数值 8.380 -
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