摘要: 结合公交乘客出行的特点, 基于Dijkstra算法站点查询的出行路径选择方法, 提出了基于蚂蚁算法的具有最少换乘次数的公交出行路径查询算法。算法利用了蚂蚁寻食出行路径选择的行为特点, 通过线路激素强度的更新机制, 实现了以换乘次数最少和公交出行站点最少的公交出行路径选择优化目标。算法实际查询结果与实际相符。Abstract: Considering the character of bus passenger travel, a bus travel transit path query algorithm with the least transfer times was brought out, which was based on ant algorithm and Dijkstra algorithm of bus stops query. Using the path selection character of ant looking for food and the principle of refreshing bus-line's hormone intensity, the algorithm achieved the optimization goals of bus travel path selection, which were the least transfer times and bus stops. Application results show that this method can reflect the real situation.
Key words:
- traffic information engineering /
- public transportation /
- ant algorithm /
- transit /
- route choice
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