摘要: 为了求解高速铁路竖向振动荷载时程问题, 在用Newmark法求解运动平衡方程的基础上, 推导了求解振动荷载的公式, 提出了由振动加速度反求振动荷载时程的动力有限元方法。结合秦沈客运专线, 计算了列车运行速度分别为230 km/h和265 km/h时的列车竖向振动荷载时程。发现列车运行速度提高了35 km/h时, 列车竖向振动荷载最大值增加了16 34 kN。结果表明由实测振动加速度可以反求振动荷载, 该方法可行。Abstract: On the basis of the solution for dynamic equilibrium equation utilizing the Newmark method, the formulas for calculating vibration load were derived, the dynamic finite element method for calculating vibration-load history using the measured vibration-acceleration history was put forward. Combined with the vibration-acceleration history of the field measurement in Qinhuangdao-Shenyang dedicated passenger line, the vertical vibration-load history curves were calculated when train speeds were 230 km/h and 265 km/h. It is pointed that the maximum vertical vibration load increases by 16.34 kN when train speed increases by 35 km/h. The results indicate that vibration-load history could be obtained with the measured vibration-acceleration history, the method is feasible.
Key words:
- high-speed railway /
- vibration load /
- finite element /
- dynamic inverse analysis
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