摘要: 应用输出反馈H∞控制算法, 利用Matlab的Simulink工具箱和LMI控制工具箱, 基于高速水翼船的运动仿真平台, 研究了高速水翼船在波浪中运动的姿态控制器设计。通过对水翼船的非线性运动数学模型在设计速度点处线性化, 得到了考虑外界干扰的水翼船运动状态空间模型。以高速水翼船HC200B A1为实例进行控制器设计的仿真研究, 发现输出反馈H∞控制器能够有效地减小波浪引起的摇荡运动。结果表明该设计方法仅需要系统的部分状态信息, 具有良好的控制效果。Abstract: This paper studied the attitude controller design for a kind of fully-submerged hydrofoil catamaran with output-feedback H∞ scheme by using Matlab's simulink toolbox and LMI control toolbox, this research was based on the boat's simulation platform. The linearization of nonlinear mathematical model of hydrofoil catamaran at design speed, was implemented, and the state-space model was obtained. With hydrofoil catamaran "HC200B-A1", simulation was carried out to demonstrate the controller design. It's pointed out that output-feedback H∞ attitude controller for hydrofoil catamaran is efficient to suppress the wave-induced motions, the controller has good performance with only partially observed system's state information.
表 1 船型参数
Table 1. Parameters of test ship
Loa/m L/m B/m d/m m/kg 38.08 35.84 11.584 3.84 2×105 u/(m·s-1) 翼展/m 翼弦/m xf1/m xf2/m 20.58 0.96 8.32 6.56 -15.84 -
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