摘要: 高速公路集成交通控制系统是一个非线性分布的动态复杂巨型系统。在智能控制系统分级递阶结构的基础上, 提出了高速公路集成交通控制系统的集散递阶体系结构, 并以Agent作为各级智能控制器, 建立了高速公路集成交通控制系统MAS模型, 探讨了MAS中主体的结构模型、构造方法、通信机制和协商机制, 为基于Multi Agent的高速公路集成交通控制系统的最终实现提供了理论指导和方法依据。Abstract: Freeway integrated traffic control system(FITCS) is a distributed-nonlinear-dynamic-complex-huge system. According to the hierarchical structure of intelligent control system, the distributed hierarchical architecture of FITCS was presented, and the multi-agent system(MAS) model of FITCS was constructed by taking agents as intelligent controllers of the distributed hierarchical control system. The agent construction model, constructing method, communication and cooperative mechanism in the MAS model were studied. The study of the system provides theory and method aguide for real application system development.
Key words:
- traffic control /
- distributed hierarchy /
- agent /
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