摘要: 为了在动力学仿真模型中考虑车体的弹性, 使仿真计算结果更接近实际, 并为车体轻量化提供理论基础, 建立了基于车体弹性和刚性的高速客车非线性动力学模型, 分析了车体弹性振动对运行平稳性的影响。通过该车的整车滚振试验台试验, 对动态响应的仿真计算结果进行了试验验证。车辆一阶垂向弯曲自振频率对车辆心盘和车体中心测点的平稳性指标影响曲线表明: 在车体中心点, 两个模型的平稳性指标差异较大, 客车运行速度的提高使车体弹性对车体响应的影响加大, 因此对采用铝合金等轻型材料的高速客车车体, 设计中必须提高车体的一阶垂向弯曲频率。Abstract: In order to analyze the influence of passenger car flexible vibration on passenger car stability, two nonlinear dynamic models of high-speed passenger car were set up based on the rigid multi-body system and flexible multi-body system respectively, the influence of car body elastic vibration on its ride comfort was analyzed. The roller rig dynamic test for passenger car was implemented, the numerical simulation results for passenger car dynamic response were validated. The simulation and test results show that the stability index difference of the models in car body center is obvious, the higher the speed is, the larger the difference is, the flexible car body model will increase the ride index of car body. For the high-speed passenger car body made of aluminum alloy, the first vertical frequency of car body must be improve.
Key words:
- high-speed passenger car /
- flexible car body /
- modal analysis /
- dynamic response
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