摘要: 应用加速模拟工况排放测试方法对3000多辆在用轻型汽油车进行了排放测试, 通过对实验结果进行统计分析, 研究了车辆CO、HC、NOx的排放特性, 通过回归分析得出了CO、HC、NOx的排放值与车辆行驶里程、车龄的数学关系式。结果表明车辆行驶里程从1.0×105km增长到3.0×105km, CO、HC、NOx排放值增大约0.24~0.73倍, 车龄从2a增长到10a, CO、HC、NOx的排放值增长约1.7~2.0倍, 4a内车龄车辆的CO、HC、NOx排放不合格率在10%以下, 10a以上车龄CO、HC、NO排放不合格率大于20%。Abstract: In order to cleanse city air, reduce vehicle emission, the paper studied the exhaust emission characteristics of light gasoline vehicle by the emission test of acceleration simulation mode(ASM) for more than 3 000 used vehicles, analyzed the relationships of CO, HC, NOx emission levels with vehicle driving distance and vehicle age, derived their tropic formulas. The results indicate that CO, HC, NOx emission concentrations increase by 0.24~3.73 times with driving distance increase from 1.0×105 km to 3.0×105 km, CO, HC, NOx emission concentrations increase by 1.7~2.0 times with vehicle age increase from 2 a to 10 a. The nonconformity ratios of CO, HC, NOx emission are less than 10% when vehicle age is less than 4 a, but they are more than 20% when it is more than 10 a.
Key words:
- automobile engineering /
- emission characteristics /
- ASM /
- vehicle age /
- driving distance
表 1 车辆数分布
Table 1. Vehicle quantity distribution
行驶里程/(104 km) < 3 3~6 6~9 9~12 12~15 15~18 18~21 21~24 24~27 27~30 30~33 33~36 合计 车辆数/veh 375 402 304 264 431 193 135 261 179 42 557 57 3200 所占比例/% 11.72 12.56 9.50 8.25 13.47 6.03 4.22 8.16 5.59 1.31 17.41 1.78 100 表 2 车龄分布
Table 2. Vehicle age distribution
车龄/a < 1 1~2 2~3 3~4 4~5 5~6 6~7 7~8 8~9 9~10 10~11 11~12 合计 车辆数/veh 369 477 271 480 564 329 195 242 162 89 49 30 3257 所占比例/% 11.33 14.65 8.32 14.74 17.32 10.10 5.99 7.43 4.97 2.73 1.50 0.92 100 -
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