Information organizing and transforming of value-added information system of port and shipping EDI
摘要: 对港航EDI源信息进行了剖析, 确立了港航EDI信息增值系统的信息流程结构和信息组织与转换的基本模式, 明确了元信息和增值信息的组织形式和信息转换的实现流程与技术。元信息和增值信息的组织分别按照数据库和主题树的形式存放, 在此基础上, 实现信息的一次和二次转换。一次信息转换主要是从大量的、杂乱无序的源信息中提炼出元信息, 二次信息转换是通过统计分析和决策优化, 对获得的数据进行增值加工, 形成增值信息。明确和规范港航EDI信息组织和转换模式使港航EDI信息有序化, 有利于港航EDI信息增值系统的开发。Abstract: As the rough primary information of current port and shipping EDI(electronic data interchange) is out of order, it must be translated into metainformation and value-added information in order to be effectively used. The structure of its information flow was set up, the basic model and the realizing technologies of information organizing and transforming were determined. It is suggested that metainformation can be organized in the form of traditional database and value-added information in the form of theme tree, the transforming technologies can be classified into two classes, the first class technology is related to how to transform the primary information into metainformation, the second class technology is to optimize metainformation and transform it into value-added information. The model takes advantage of the development of value-added information system of port and shipping EDI information.
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