摘要: 针对公路建设项目综合评价权重确定的一般方法(AHP)计算量大, 主观性强的缺点, 提出了一种改进的AHP算法。该方法在改进层次分析法的基础上, 得出各位专家赋予的相对于上一层次同一指标本层次各指标的权重, 运用熵值理论对各专家评估水平赋予权重, 最后得到指标的合成权重。实例计算结果表明: 在综合评价体系中自然环境影响水平下水环境影响程度、大气环境影响程度、声环境影响程度3个指标权重分别为0.3946、0.3290、0.2760, 这说明此方法在全面考虑各种因素对专家评估水平影响的条件下, 克服了AHP法主观性强的缺点, 有效地计算了3个因素的相对重要程度, 该方法可行。Abstract: In order to overcome the large computing and subjectivity of analytical hierarchy process(AHP), this paper put forward a new method of weight value determination in the comprehensive evaluation of highway construction. According to the advanced AHP, the weight values given by every expert of the indices could be received, they were determinated by entropy theory, then the synthetic weight values were received. Applying the method, the weight values of three indices were 0.394 6, 0.329 0 and 0.276 0 under the effect levels of natural environment, which were the influence degrees of water environment, atmosphere environment and sound environment. The computing results show the weight values of the factors can be computed, the subjectivity of AHP is overcome, the method is feasible.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- comprehensive evaluation /
- indices weight values /
- advanced AHP /
- entropy method
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