摘要: 为了消除低速制动工况下轻量化设计的机车车辆有颤振现象与颤振振动对车体、转向架和悬挂系统产生较大的破坏作用, 提高车辆的运行平稳性, 减小铁道沿线的噪音污染, 分析了制动工况下机车车辆转向架发生颤振现象的机理及其影响因素, 推导了列车制动块的运动方程。分析结果表明, 颤振是车辆系统在低速运行时的自激振动产生的, 与转向架构架结构和悬挂系统有关, 可通过改进构架设计或调整转向架参数予以避免。Abstract: The chatter phenomenon of some locomotives and vehicles with lightning carbodies and bogies was analysed, which is very harmful to the carbodies, the ride comfort of passengers and environment.In order to decrease the level of the chatter in the condition of braking, the chatter mechanism was studied, the inflnence factors of the chatter were analysed, the dynamics relation of chatter and braking was put forward.The numerical simulation results show that the chatter is generated by the self-excited vibration of vehicle system at low speed, the chatter is related with the structure of vehicle bogie, carbody and suspension system, the chatter can be avoided by adjusting the parameters of bogie system and changing bogie frame design.
Key words:
- railway vehicle /
- chatter phenomenon /
- brake condition /
- system dynamics /
- bogie
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