摘要: 以复杂多自由度的车辆系统设计模型代替传统的简化模型, 建立了主动悬挂控制车辆系统模型, 设计了最优预见控制器, 研究了车体的浮沉、点头、侧滚3种运动状态在加控制和未加控制时的路面激扰响应。仿真计算结果表明在最优控制下车体的浮沉响应降低了27%, 点头响应降低了30%, 侧滚响应降低了30%;在预见控制二次加权矩阵的作用下, 车体的浮沉响应降低了54%, 点头响应降低了50%, 侧滚响应降低了45%;根据预见控制的提前预见可适时响应的特点, 系统可按设定目标预见步数提前作出响应, 由此验证了最优预见控制在复杂多自由度的车辆主动悬挂设计模型中应用的可行性和有效性。Abstract: Based on the design model of multi-degrees of freedom, a new modelling method of rail vehicle system with active suspension was put forward, a kind of optimum-preview controller was designed to restrain the vertical vibration, nodding and rolling of carbody, the system respond with controller was analysed.Simulation results indicate that the vertical vibration, nodding and rolling levels of carbody are reduced by about 27%, 30%, 30% respectively using optimum control method, and the levels of carbody are reduced by about 54%, 50%, 45% respectively using preview control method, preview control strategy can make vehicle system respond ahead according to target value.It is feasible that the optimum-preview controller is used in designning the active suspension of rail vehicle system based on complex multi-degrees of freedom model.
表 1 车辆模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of vehicle model
车体质量M/kg 47 000 前转向架质量m/kg 2 400 后转向架质量m/kg 2 400 车体点头转动惯量Iϕ/(kg·m2) 1 315 600 前转向架点头转动惯量J1/(kg·m2) 6 330 后转向架点头转动惯量J2/(kg·m2) 6 330 一系悬挂弹簧垂向刚度k1/(N·m-1) 2 399 600 二系悬挂弹簧垂向刚度k2/(N·m-1) 874 400 二系垂向阻尼c2/(N·s·m-1) 18 750 一系垂向阻尼c1/(N·s·m-1) 18 750 前、后转向架构架侧滚转动惯量J3/(kg·m2) 2 100 -
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