摘要: 为实现当前轨道交通对桥梁微挠度的要求, 研究了行车条件下对铁路梁桥挠度进行主动控制的方法, 提出了可以实时调节索力的智能预应力系统的概念及结构, 以中国铁路32 m跨度后张预应力混凝土标准简支梁为例, 考虑快速移动车辆荷载, 采用有限元分析方法, 分析了智能预应力的效应, 提出了一个实现微挠度梁桥的智能预应力控制算法。结果显示智能预应力系统可以调节结构在静活载下的挠度, 使其达到跨度的1/3 200, 在相同挠度控制标准下可以降低梁高达到10%以上, 使桥梁始终处于最佳服役状态。Abstract: The active control of railway bridge deflection was investigated to reach the goal of micro-deflection. The concept of intelligent prestressed system (IPS) was presented. The configuration and details of IPS were introduced. The Chinese railway post-prestressed concrete standard girder bridge was analysed with finite element analysis method. An effectual and simple control algorithm for IPS was put forward. The results indicate that the ratio of girder span to mid-span deflection can reach 3 200, the highth of girder can be reduced by 10%, it is feasible that the system can regulate the force of cable in real time, and control the deflection of railway girder bridge.
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