Static parameter identification of bridge structure based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
摘要: 为了提高桥梁结构状态评估中结构参数识别的精度和稳定性, 克服Gauss-Newton法不能有效地处理奇异和非正定矩阵以及对初始点要求苛刻的缺点, 利用Levenberg-Marquardt法, 通过在Gauss-Newton法的迭代矩阵中添加阻尼项, 对迭代矩阵加以修正, 通过Matlab自编程序实现对实际结构参数的优化求解。对一连续梁的数值模拟计算表明, 在Gauss-Newton法迭代发散的情况下, Levenberg-Marquardt法的识别结果相对误差在10%左右, Levenberg-Marquardt法基本能实现对真实结构参数的识别, 为结构进一步的状态评估提供了结构模型最基本的量化信息。Abstract: In order to improve the precision and stability of structural parameter identification in the procedure of bridge assessment, a heuristic method of using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to meliorate the singular iterative matrix of Gauss-Newton was put forward to overcome the harsh terms of initial value in Gauss-Newton algorithm, the numerical simulative test of a continuous beam with three spans was carried out.Simulation results show that the relative-effective error of bridge structure parameter identification is less than 10%, the application of Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is feasible, its quantitative message can be put forward for bridge structure condition assessment.
表 1 参数识别效果比较
Table 1. Comparison of parameter indentification results
/(kN·m2) 待识别参数 参数初始值 参数真值 G-N法 L-M法(μ=1×10-20) L-M法(μ=1×10-19) 迭代9次 迭代5次 迭代27次 识别结果 相对误差/% 识别结果 相对误差/% 识别结果 相对误差/% EI1 4.5×105 3.0×105 — — 3.108 0×105 3.60 2.911 9×105 -2.94 EI2 4.5×105 3.0×105 3.747 4×105 24.90 3.351 6×105 11.70 2.589 3×105 -13.70 EI3 9.0×105 6.0×105 6.004 2×105 0.07 5.938 0×105 -1.03 6.533 2×105 8.89 EI4 9.0×105 6.0×105 6.003 0×105 0.05 6.148 0×105 2.47 6.182 2×105 3.04 EI5 6.0×105 4.5×105 4.495 7×105 -0.10 4.2474×105 -5.61 4.059 0×105 -9.80 EI6 6.0×105 4.5×105 4.498 6×105 -0.03 4.656 9×105 3.49 4.880 2×105 8.45 -
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