摘要: 利用专家系统的反向推理和正向推理相结合的多级控制策略, 提出船舶装卸载分轮次序中确定货物装载位置、能力、顺序的控制原则和约束条件及实现原理。通过控制船舶的浮态和强度, 提高船舶压载水的速率及排放能力, 保证货物装载过程中压载水与货物操作相适应, 保证船舶在港内装卸载过程中强度满足要求, 确定船舶配载方案及船舶装卸载分轮次序。实船计算结果表明该策略提供了船舶装卸载操作每一步货物的数量、装舱顺序、时间及船舶浮态等性能指标, 能迅速、准确地确定船舶配载方案及操作步骤, 提高船舶的配载效率, 避免船舶配载中的盲目性。Abstract: Based on analysing the multiple hierarchy control strategy with the combination of reverse inference and inference, the control rules of the loading position, loading turn and loading capacity, restrictive condition and realization principle of ship stowage and discharge were presented.Through the control of ship buoyancy and strength, the ballast water rate and discharging ability of ship could be increased to ensure the equivalence level of ship ballast water and cargo operation during ship loading, the strength of ship could satisfy the requirement of cargo operation, ship stowage plan, loading and discharging turns could be ensured.Calculation results of real ship show that the method provides the property indices in every step during cargo operation, such as the loading order, time and buoyancy of ship, etc, confirms ship stowage plan and operation procedure quickly and reasonably, improves the efficiency and avoids the blindness during ship stowage.
表 1 结果比较
Table 1. Results comparison
货舱 船舶吃水 初稳性高度 No.1/t No.2/t No.3/t No.4/t No.5/t dF/m dA/m GM/m 船舶资料数据 5 593.4 8 236.3 8 463.4 8 077.8 7 207.0 10.82 10.820 2.940 程序计算结果 5 593.0 8 236.4 8 463.5 8 077.8 7 207.1 10.82 10.824 2.939 -
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