摘要: 为了预防航空器在低空空域飞行中发生相撞, 根据空中交通管理规则的飞行间隔规定, 采用速度矢量三角分析法, 分析了避免冲突的基本条件, 确定了航空器B与航空器A的速度矢量关系, 提出了调整速度和改变航向两种解决方法, 推导出速度和航向改变量的计算公式。通过系统演算和DRS-98型雷达管制模拟机的验证表明, 在任何情况下都能够使用改航法避让飞行冲突, 航空器之间的距离和航向差越大, 航向的改变量就越小; 当航空器之间的距离大于6倍的飞行间隔时, 应当使用调速法避让飞行冲突, 这样航空器可以继续保持原定的飞行航线。Abstract: According to the flight separation regulations of air traffic management rules and the analysis method of airspeed vector triangle, the basic condition to avoid conflict between aircrafts in low altitude airspace was studied, the airspeed vector relationship of aircraft A and B was revealed, the calculation model of changing velocity and heading angle was obtained, and two kinds of methods to avoid flight conflict were put forward.The calculation model was approved by experiments on DRS-98 radar simulator.It is concluded that the conflict can be avoided by changing heading angle in any time, the more the distance and heading difference between the aircrafts are, the less the heading angle change is.When the distance between aircrafts is more than 6 times fligh separation, changing velocity method should be used, and the aircrafts can keep their scheduled flight courses.
表 1 计算结果
Table 1. Calculation result
航空器之间的航向差α/(°) 航空器之间的距离D(飞行间隔S的倍数) 2S 4S 6S 8S 10S 12S 20 N N N N N N 40 36/-20 N N N N N 60 */-40 25/-9 N N N N 80 */60 */29 */19 62/14 -40/11 -34/10 注: “N”是指没有飞行冲突; 其他计算结果表示为Δv(km/h)/Δα (°); “*”表示相对应的值超出了飞行速度的上界和下界。 -
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