摘要: 为了提高目前WebChart信息传输与交互的效率, 分析了WebChart作为船舶导航系统需要解决的海图数据网络传输、实时获取本地导航设备数据、客户端之间信息交互等问题, 提出并构建了一种基于分布式WebChart的船舶导航系统。该系统采用数字签名和Java本机接口方法解决了WebChart对本地资源的访问, 实现了通过客户端串口对本地传感器信息的读取, 并且系统采用了分布式体系结构, 船舶用户不仅可以通过网络浏览器浏览海图数据, 而且可以在海图平台上相互可见和交互, 从而使船舶用户能够方便地通过网络实时、准确地分析和了解其周围的动静态航行环境, 获取全面的导航服务。
- 交通信息工程 /
- 船舶导航系统 /
- 分布式WebChart /
- 本机接口
Abstract: In order to improve the information transmission efficiency, realize the information interaction for WebChart ship navigation system, its main technological issues were analyzed, such as the network transmission of chart data, the access of local navigation devices, the information interaction among clients, and so on, and a kind of distributed WebChart ship navigation system was constructed.Digital signature and JNI(Java native interface) technologies were used to solute the issue of access local resources and attain ship information from sensors connected with client machine through serial-port.The distributed architecture of the system not only enables ship users to obtain chart services through web browser, but also enables them to see each other and interact information on the chart platform.So, in the system, comprehensive navigation services can be provided through web browser for ship users in order to help them to analyse and comprehend the static and real-time dynamic sailing environments exactly. -
表 1 事件标识、事件类型和事件数据类型
Table 1. Event ID, event types and event data types
事件标识 事件类型 数据类型 消息流向 -3 系统控制事件 删除对象 (none) C↔S广播 -2 添加对象 String C↔S广播 -1 登录 String C→S不广播 1 对象变化事件 位置变化 Float[2] C↔S广播(除发送者) 2 方位变化 Float C↔S广播(除发送者) 3 速度变化 Float C↔S广播(除发送者) -
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