摘要: 为减少公交延误, 发挥锯齿形公交优先进口道作用, 分析了公交优先进口道的工作流程、车辆到达流量、通行能力、预信号区使用条件, 提出了将锯齿形公交优先进口道车辆到达流量与通行能力匹配的优化模型与设置方法, 建立了锯齿形公交优先进口道设置适宜的交通条件, 提出了进口道主信号与预信号协调配时, 与车辆流量适宜的候驶区长度确定的方法, 计算了公交优先进口道设置前后公交车辆与社会车辆的延误。发现给定条件的城市主干道公交进口道优先可以使公交车的平均延误减少3.7 s, 社会车辆平均延误增加1.4 s, 所有乘客平均延误减少2.4 s。Abstract: In order to reduce the delay of buses, the indented bus priority approach was designed, its work process, platoon arrival flow, passing capacity and the used condition of advanced bus's parking area were studied.An optimized model that adapted to the needs of its platoon arrival flow and passing capacity was put forward, the fitting condition for building the indented approach was determined, its main signal and advanced signal were calculated, the suitable length of its waitting area was computed.Through an example, the delays of buses and other vehicles in the conditions of having indented approach and no-having indented approach were calculated.The results show that the average delay of buses is reduced by 3.7 s, the average delay of other vehicles is increased by 1.4 s, the delay of all passengers is reduced by 2.4 s, in the condition of having indented approach.
Key words:
- traffic planning /
- indented approach /
- bus priority /
- bus advanced area /
- signal
表 1 关键参数
Table 1. Key parameters
参数 候驶区排队车辆数n/veh 主信号绿灯时间GM/s 主信号红灯时间RM/s 公交候驶区长度L/m 预信号先红时间TR/s 预信号先绿时间TG/s 预信号绿灯时间GP/s 预信号红灯时间RP/s 数值 2 44 76 38.5 18 5 31 89 表 2 交通延误
Table 2. Traffic delays
延误类型 延误对象 设置前 设置后 延误减少 车总延误/(s·pcu) 公交车辆 638.4 577.1 61.3 社会车辆 1 368.0 1 420.0 -52.0 所有车辆 2 006.4 1 997.1 9.3 车均延误/(s·pcu-1) 公交车辆 38.0 34.3 3.7 社会车辆 38.0 39.4 -1.4 所有车辆 38.0 37.8 0.2 乘客总延误/(人·s) 公交车辆 12 768.0 11 541.0 1 227.0 社会车辆 4 104.0 4 260.0 -156.0 所有车辆 16 872.0 15 801.0 1 071.0 人均延误/(s·人-1) 公交车辆 38.0 34.3 3.7 社会车辆 38.0 39.4 -1.4 所有车辆 38.0 35.6 2.4 -
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