摘要: 为了组建稳定、协调的联合运输联盟, 从博弈的角度出发, 以动态联盟理论为基础, 建立了联合运输利益分配模型, 并根据主导企业对盟友的依赖程度不同设计出不同的模型求解方法, 得出不同的利益分配策略。普通盟友通过市场加价, 甚至市场直接购买的方式进行利益分配, 而战略盟友则根据盟员的贡献及风险分担程度确定利益分配系数。实例分析表明通过这种分配策略, 主导企业的运输经营收入在四年内增加了118.46万元, 货运准确率提高了15%。Abstract: In order to form a steady and harmonious intermodal transportation alliance, a profit distribution model based on game theory was set up, several profit distribution tactics were brought forward to suit different dependence degrees between leading member and alliance members.To general ally, the coefficient of profit distribution was obtained based on market price, but to strategic ally, the coefficient of profit distribution was proportion to the contribution and risk undertaken degree of ally.The applied results of the distribution tactics show that the transportation profit of leading member is increased by 1.184 6 million yuan in four years, the veracity of freight transportation is increased by 15%.
表 1 联合运输经营收益
Table 1. Intermodal transportation profit
/万元 年份 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 经营收入 655.50 715.00 736.62 790.00 773.96 -
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