Dynamic performances of small-radius curved track for mountain strengthened railway
摘要: 基于系统工程思想, 运用机车车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论, 对采取了强化技术对策后的山区铁路小半径曲线轨道的动力性能进行仿真计算, 并与强化前轨道结构动力学性能进行了对比分析。分析结果表明: 强化后轨道结构的轮轨动态相互作用力及轨枕支点压力均较强化前的相应值略大, 但皆属相同安全合格等级; 强化轨道结构位移大幅度降低, 有效抑制轨道结构变形, 增强线路稳定性, 尤其是钢轨横向位移和轨距动态扩大量较强化前下降十分显著, 前者仅约为后者的1/3左右; 强化轨道也有利于降低轨下结构振动和减轻列车提速后对轨下基础的破坏。Abstract: New strengthening technologies of laying concrete sleeper and matching measurement have been adopted to raise train speeds on the small-radius curved tacks of Chinese mountain railways. In order to investigate the dynamic performances of the curved track structure, the dynamic properties of the strengthened track and the unstrengthened track were compared based on system engineering theory and vehicle-track coupling dynamics. Analysis result shows that the dynamic interaction between wheel and rail and the rail-pad force of the strengthened track are little bigger than those of the unstrengthened track, the safety grades of the tracks are same, the strengthened track can benefit to decrease the displacements of all components of track structure obviously, to restrain the deformation of track effectively, and to reinforce the stability of railway, especially the lateral displacement and the gauge enlargement of the strengthened rail are about 33% of original rail. Furthermore, the strengthened track can help to reduce the vibration of the sub-rail structure and to lighten the destruction of track caused from raising train speeds.
Key words:
- railway engineering /
- curved track /
- strengthening technology /
- dynamic performances /
- small radius /
- coupling dynamics
表 1 轮轨动态运营安全性指标的合格限值
Table 1. Limit values of safety operation indices of Chinese railway
机车车辆类型 SS3机车 C62A货车 YZ22客车 轮轴横向力/kN 混凝土枕 77.9 72.3 50.3 木枕 73.7 68.0 46.1 轮轨垂向力/kN 250 250 250 脱轨系数 0.9 1.2(第1限度), 1.0(第2限度) 轮重减载率 0.60(第1限值), 0.65(第2限值) 表 2 动态安全性指标计算结果对比
Table 2. Computation result comparison of dynamic safety indices
仿真计算指标 机车 货车 客车 轮轴横向力/kN 强化后 75.21 69.77 48.02 强化前 71.59 57.95 45.98 轮轨垂向力/kN 强化后 201.47 153.26 126.16 强化前 169.78 127.19 125.95 轨枕支点压力/kN 强化后 66.98 44.83 35.21 强化前 55.53 42.98 34.08 脱轨系数 强化后 0.83 0.69 0.63 强化前 0.79 0.64 0.62 轮重减载率 强化后 0.48 0.48 0.46 强化前 0.43 0.41 0.44 表 3 轨道结构加速度计算结果
Table 3. Simulation result of track accelerations
速度/(km·h-1) 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 68.5 钢轨垂向加速度 强化后 36.45g 43.54g 47.79g 49.42g 56.83g 强化前 30.11g 34.68g 38.73g 42.34g 55.38g 轨枕垂向加速度 强化后 3.02g 3.21g 3.37g 2.47g 3.82g 强化前 4.03g 5.88g 5.99g 6.39g 6.64g 表 4 轨道结构加速度计算结果
Table 4. Simulation result of track accelerations
速度/(km·h-1) 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 68.5 钢轨垂向加速度 强化后 26.58g 31.03g 35.17g 39.97g 42.50g 强化前 23.78g 25.94g 30.67g 36.58g 37.34g 轨枕垂向加速度 强化后 1.89g 2.34g 2.58g 2.95g 3.21g 强化前 2.79g 3.44g 3.88g 4.67g 4.80g 表 5 轨道结构加速度理论分析结果
Table 5. Analyzing result of track accelerations
速度/(km·h-1) 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 68.5 钢轨垂向加速度 强化后 13.61g 14.96g 18.46g 20.47g 21.52g 强化前 11.62g 13.32g 15.59g 18.00g 18.64g 轨枕垂向加速度 强化后 1.76g 2.12g 2.52g 2.83g 2.99g 强化前 2.40g 3.04g 3.07g 4.01g 4.12g -
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