摘要: 结合模糊评价理论、层次分析法以及概率可靠度方法, 建立了钢筋混凝土梁桥缺损状况模糊可靠性评价模型。通过建立模糊评价集, 确定项目层、指标层模糊评价因素集和模糊评价因素权重集, 构造概率型判断矩阵, 经加权平均值法计算, 得到梁桥缺损状况模糊评判得分, 以目标可靠指标和最低可靠指标为界, 将模糊评判得分转换为模糊可靠指标, 实现在役梁桥缺损状况的模糊可靠性评价。采用该方法对一座使用25年的多跨简支钢筋混凝土梁桥进行评价, 得到模糊可靠指标为3.769, 满足最低可靠指标要求, 与桥梁实际状况相符, 表明该方法可行。Abstract: In order to improve the safe evaluation reliability of bridge, a fuzzy reliability evaluation model of defective RC beam bridge was put forward by fuzzy evaluation theory, analytical hierarchy process method and probability method. Through establishing fuzzy evaluation criterion, determining item level factors, index level factors and their weight coefficients, constructing probabilistic matrix of membership degree, the score of fuzzy reliability evaluation of defective RC beam bridge was calculated by weighted average method. The score was switched to fuzzy reliability index by the bounds of target reliability index and lowest reliability index. An existing multi-span RC beam bridge with 25 years was evaluated by the method. Its fuzzy reliability index is 3.769, which accords with the bridge condition. The evaluation result indicates that the method is feasible.
Key words:
- bridge engineering /
- defective condition /
- fuzzy evaluation /
- reliability /
- fuzzy reliability index
表 1 一级评判模型因素权重系数
Table 1. Weight coefficients of item level factors
部件i 部件名称 权重(αi) 1 主梁 0.21 2 横隔板 0.06 3 支座 0.03 4 墩台盖梁 0.15 5 墩台身 0.23 6 墩台基础 0.24 7 地基冲刷 0.08 表 2 二级评判模型因素权重系数
Table 2. Weight coefficients of index level factors
表 3 公路桥梁结构的目标可靠指标
Table 3. Target reliability indices of highway bridges
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