摘要: 为了优化多航段舱位控制, 提高航空客运收益, 将旅客始-终点流按票价由高到低排序, 定义旅客始-终点流为决策变量, 以各始-终点流需求为约束条件, 以航线期望总收益为目标函数, 建立了多航段舱位控制问题的随机规划模型, 设计了模型求解遗传算法。算例分析结果表明, 收益计算结果最大误差为0.34%, 结果稳定, 模型可行。Abstract: In order to optimize multi-leg seat inventory control, improve airline revenue, multi-leg origin-derivation flows in terms of their fares were sorted, which were regarded as decision variables, the sum of every origin-derivation flow revenue expectation was set as object function, a stochastic program model for multi-leg seat inventory control was established, a genetic algorithm to solve the model was set up. The result using genetic algorithm to solve multi-leg seat inventory control problem shows that the computation maximum error of revenue is 0.34%, revenue computation values are stable, the model is feasible.
表 1 ODF价格与需求
Table 1. Fares and demands of ODF
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