摘要: 为解决目前航道网规划评价中存在主观影响因素过多, 各评价指标权重不确定性等问题, 分析了航道网布局影响因素, 结合层次分析法, 提出了航道网规划方案的多目标、多级模糊综合评判方法。运用层次分析法确定各层次评价指标的权重, 运用模糊统计方法确定非定量指标的隶属度, 对于定量评价指标的隶属度, 则按效益型指标、适中型指标和成本型指标分别予以确定。对苏州市航道网规划方案评价结果表明, 该方法可客观地给出反映航道网实际情况的量化指标, 能够对航道网规划效果作出合理的定性评价。Abstract: There are many subjective factors and their weights can not been reasonably decided in current evaluation model for waterway net planning. Based on analyzing various factors affecting waterway net planning, a kind of multiobject and multi-layer fuzzy model for comprehensive assessment was proposed. Combined with AHP, the weights of the assessment indices were determined. With statistical method of fuzziness, the membership grades of non-quantitative indices were determined. The benefit index, the neutral index and the cost index were applied to define the memberships of quantitative indices. The evaluation result for Suzhou waterway net planning indicates that the model can provide quantitative indices of waterway net actual case objectively and evaluate the waterway net planning accurately.
表 1 各评价指标隶属度
Table 1. Membership grades of evaluation factors
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