摘要: 为了提供驾驶员车速控制模式建模所需的试验数据依据和评语隶属函数, 采用模糊集合原理和模糊统计试验分析方法, 研究了车辆驾驶员对道路结构和交通环境因素的安全性认知与评价思维过程。在实测226处国道二级公路典型路段道路结构数据基础上, 根据对131处路段样本评价试验后得到的1 785组有效“专家”认知评语数据, 得出了基于0.2-截集的各认知评语非零集和基于0.8-截集的各认知评语确定集, 建立了车辆驾驶员对国道二级公路道路结构和交通环境要素的安全性模糊评价评语模糊子集和模拟计算模型。Abstract: In order to provide driver the basis experiment data and the evaluation subordination functions that are needed in speed-controlling model, the driver thinking evaluation procedure and safety perception to road structure and traffic environment were studied by fuzzy set principle and fuzzy statistic experiment analysis method. The road structure parameters of 226 highway sections were obtained from typical second-class highway sections of national roads, 1 785 groups of driver effective perception data of 131 highway sections were obtained from specialists' appraising experiment, the nonzero-sets of perceived comment collection based on 0.2-cut sets and the certain-sets based on 0.8-cut sets were set up, the simulation model and fuzzy comment subsets of driver safety perception to second-class highway structure and traffic environment were put forward.
Key words:
- traffic safety /
- driver /
- safety perception /
- fuzzy statistic analysis experiment
表 1 平曲线半径认知评价结果
Table 1. Perception result of horizontal curve radii
表 2 纵坡度认知评价结果
Table 2. Perception result of grades
表 3 视距长度认知评价结果
Table 3. Perception result of vision distances
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