摘要: 论述了列车空气动力学研究方法: 数值模拟计算、风洞试验、动模型试验和在线实车试验; 讨论了几种典型列车的空气动力性能: 中华之星高速列车、双层集装箱货运列车、磁浮高速列车; 建立了列车交会压力波、线间距、安全退避距离的理论关系式; 研究了列车流线形外形与气动性能的关系: 流线形头形、车身截面外形、列车编组方式、车体表面以及影响气动性能的受电弓导流罩、外风挡、底罩及裙板、导流板等主要部件, 介绍了研制流线形列车车体的成套技术及全面推广应用情况; 研究了隧道-列车耦合空气动力特性; 论述了为既有线5次大提速、百里强风区的兰新铁路解决的列车空气动力影响行车安全问题。Abstract: The research methods of train aerodynamics, such as numerical simulation computation, wind tunnel tests, moving model tests and full-scale train tests, were dissertated.The research works of the aerodynamic performances of China representative train, China-star high-speed train, double deck container freight train, maglev train (magnetically levitated train) were introduced.Five important theorization formulas were put out, with the emphasis on the relations of streamline shapes and train aerodynamic performances, including streamline train head shape, car body section figuration, train configuration and car surface, the important car components that influence train aerodynamic performances enormously were discoursed, such as flow guide mantle of pantograph, outside vestibule diaphragm, car bottom with mantle structure, skirt baffle structure and flow guide plate.The whole set technology on the manufacture of streamline car shape and its applications in China were introduced.The main characteristics of tunnel-train aerodynamics were recommended.The topic concentrated upon the running safety influenced by train aerodynamic in improving speeds of five times in China and Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway suffered windstorm on more than hundred kilometers was discoursed.
表 1 动模型试验系统比较
Table 1. Comparison of Moving Model Test Systems
国别 试验线长度/m 列车缩比 最高速度/ (km·h-1) 中国 164 1∶16~1∶20 350 英国 132 1∶25 200 表 2 承受瞬态冲击极限值
Table 2. Critical Values of Instantaneous Air Pressure
车体、车窗结构 承受瞬态冲击压力极限/Pa 22型客车侧窗 820 25B型客车侧窗 1 460 25K (G、Z) 型客车侧窗 2 300 原SS8型、东风11型机车前窗 1 000 SS9型、澳星机车前窗 2 500 中华之星与先锋号前窗、侧窗 8 280 25G、25Z、25K型及新造拖车车体 -4 500/+5 000 表 3 各型车辆安全运行速度限值
Table 3. Critical Speeds for Various Vehicles Running Safely
各型车辆(空车) 不同风速下的车辆安全运行速度限值 风速/ (m·s-1) 速度限值/ (km·h-1) 风速/ (m·s-1) 速度限值/ (km·h-1) 单层集装箱平车 33.0 60 28.0 100 25型客车 51.0 60 33.0 100 棚车 28.4 60 22.0 100 敞车 34.0 60 28.0 100 -
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