摘要: 为了提高水泥混凝土桥面沥青混凝土铺装的使用寿命, 以复合梁试验评价不同的桥面沥青铺装结构的疲劳性能, 采用有限元法分析荷载作用下复合梁试件具有与实际梁体一致的应力响应, 并采用复合梁疲劳试验测试不同桥面沥青铺装层组合的疲劳寿命。由试验结果可知, 复合梁破坏模式与桥梁铺装实际破坏形式一致, 相同的铺装结构在加入防水粘结层后寿命可增长8倍, 铺装材料加入纤维可使疲劳寿命增长20%以上; SMA和纤维加筋的AC组合是本次试验中的最优结构。Abstract: In order to improve the life of cement concrete bridge deck pavement, compound beam test was used to research the fatigue characteristics of hot mixed asphalt (HMA) courses on bridge deck, finite element analysis (FEA) method was employed to make the mechanical response of compound beam accord with that of actual bridge deck under the same load, the fatigue test was done for compound beams with different pavement structures.Test result shows that the destroy process of compound beam is similar with that of actual bridge deck, the structure with waterproof and cohesive course has a fatigue life, which is 8 times longer than that of the structure without the course, the addition of fiber in the HMA can increase at least 20% of its fatigue life, the combination structure of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) and fiber reinforced asphalt concrete (AC) is the best pavement structure in the test.
表 1 结构组合方案
Table 1. Combination Structures
组号 铺装上层 铺装下层 粘结层 试件个数(上下层厚度/cm) 1 AK-13+纤维 AC-20Ⅰ+纤维 无 3 (4+6) 2 AK-13+纤维 AC-20Ⅰ+纤维 环氧沥青 3 (4+6) 3 AK-13A+纤维 AC-20Ⅰ+纤维 SBS改性沥青 3 (4+6) 4 AK-13A AC-20Ⅰ SBS改性沥青 3 (4+6) 5 AK-13A AC-20Ⅰ+纤维 SBS改性沥青 3 (4+6) 6 AK-13A+纤维 AC-20Ⅰ+纤维 SBS改性沥青 3 (5+6) 7 SMA-13 AC-20Ⅰ+纤维 SBS改性沥青 3 (5+6) 表 2 疲劳试验结果
Table 2. Fatigue Test Result
组号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 寿命/次 53068 73031 454460 328950 416258 475060 504268 -
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