摘要: 为了对服役结构的可靠性进行正确评估, 必须考虑时间变化的影响, 将结构服役时间离散为若干个时间点, 利用各个时间点上随机的结构抗力和荷载效应, 给出服役结构时变可靠指标简化计算公式, 分析抗力衰减模式、可变荷载增加大趋势以及服役时间对可靠指标的影响。分析结果表明: 在结构抗力和荷载效应保持不变情况下, 随着服役时间的增长, 结构的可靠指标降低, 结构可靠指标的变化规律因抗力衰减模式和荷载增大趋势的不同而有差异。Abstract: In order to effectively evaluate existed bridge reliability, the effect of bridge service time on bridge reliability was considered, some simplified formulas for calculating bridge reliability index were deduced based on the dispersed stochastic resistance and load effect of bridge, the effects of its resistance degradation model, load increasing tendency and service life on bridge reliability index were studied.Calculation result shows that bridge reliability index decreases with the increase of bridge service life, and it is sensitive to the resistance degradation mode and load increasing tendency of bridge.
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