Maintainability Assessment and Verification Technologies of Civil Aircraft in Virtual Environment
摘要: 应用虚拟现实技术和并行工程的基本思想, 研究了民用飞机维修性虚拟分析、评估与验证的基本方法。基于CATIA和DELMIA三维建模基本平台, 说明了构建虚拟维修环境的基本元素, 研究了虚拟环境下维修场景、维修对象、维修工具和人体模型的实现与合并方法, 给出了虚拟环境的创建方法和步骤; 研究了民用飞机维修性指标虚拟评估与验证的基本方法和程序, 提出了虚拟环境中进行可达性分析、碰撞与干涉分析以及维修姿态分析的定性与定量方法。对某飞机系统故障维修过程的维修性虚拟分析与评估验证结果表明虚拟维修性评估与验证可有效实现飞机全寿命周期的整体优化, 缩短研制周期, 是一种实现飞机维修性并行优化设计的有效方法。Abstract: Based on CATIA and DELMIA 3-D CAD modelling tool, the basic methods of virtual assessment and verification technologies on the maintainability of civil aircraft were studied by virtual reality technology and concurrent engineering thought.The elements of virtual maintainability environment were described, the implement and combination methods of maintenance scenes, maintenance objects, maintenance tools and human models in virtual environment were analyzed, the methods and process of creating virtual maintainability environment were put forward.The basic principle and procedure of virtual assessment and verification for civil aircraft maintainability were researched, the qualitative and quantitative methods of accessibility analysis, collision and interference analysis and personnel body posture analysis were proposed.The result of assessment and verification indicates that the total optimization of aircraft life cycle is effectively implemented by the methods, they are feasible for the concurrent optimization design of aircraft maintainability.
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