摘要: 应用有限元方法及ANSYS软件建立了地铁车辆车体结构有限元分析模型, 根据地铁车辆受力分析和危险程度, 选择拖车(头车) 作为计算、分析对象, 确定了有限元模型的计算载荷、常见计算工况和评定标准, 计算了车体在整备状态下的车体静强度, 分析了整备状态和超常状态下的固有频率和振型。结果表明, 地铁车体静强度在常见计算工况下皆能满足相关标准的要求, 车体一阶扭转和一阶垂向弯曲自振频率偏低, 一般要求车体在整备状态下的自振一阶垂弯频率应大于10 Hz, 以避开转向架的点头频率; 减小结构质量的同时增大结构刚度, 在满足车体强度要求下, 可以实现以降低次要的振型频率来提高主要的振型频率的目的, 并可进一步地减轻车体质量。Abstract: A particular finite element analysis model of subway vehicle car body structure was set up with finite element method and ANSYS software, tow truck was taken as analytical object according to subway vehicle load and dangerous grade, the FEM calculational loads, constant operating conditions and assessing standards of the model were confirmed, subway bodywork static strength under all-setup and its inherent frequencies and vibration model were reckoned. The result indicates that the static strength of subway car body structure satisfies the relative design requirements in constant operating conditions, at the same time, its first step torsion and vertical bend vibration frequencies are smaller than 10 Hz, which is overall bogie pitching frequency. It is pointed that reducing its secondary vibration frequency can improve its primary vibration frequency and alleviate body mass by improving stiffness while decreasing structure mass.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- subway vehicle /
- car body structure /
- static strength /
- vibration mode
表 1 最大等效应力
Table 1. Maximal Von Mises equivalent stress
部件 最大Von Mises等效应力/MPa 许用应力/MPa 侧墙 160.00 160 车顶 126.30 160 底架 115.18 160 驾驶室 58.73 448 前枕梁 132.63 280 后枕梁 117.45 280 缓冲梁 56.04 448 表 2 最大等效应力
Table 2. Maximal Von Mises equivalent stress
部件 最大Von Mises等效应力/MPa 许用应力/MPa 车顶 72.53 160 底架 61.12 160 驾驶室 466.02 448 前枕梁 79.14 280 后枕梁 28.77 280 缓冲梁 302.94 448 车顶 72.53 160 表 3 最大等效应力
Table 3. Maximal Von Mises equivalent stress
部件 最大Von Mises等效应力/MPa 许用应力/MPa 侧墙 58.63 160 车顶 61.89 160 底架 87.89 160 驾驶室 448.46 448 前枕梁 52.53 280 后枕梁 29.13 280 缓冲梁 499.36 448 表 4 车体自振频率
Table 4. Body self-vibration frequency /Hz
模态 整备状态 超常垂直荷载 一阶扭转 8.07 7.005 一阶垂向弯曲 8.28 7.653 -
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