摘要: 建立了摆式列车机电耦合动力学模型、受电弓线性和非线性动力学模型及接触网有限元模型和静态接触刚度模型, 组成摆式列车-受电弓-接触网耦合动力学模型, 分别设计了P和H∞鲁棒控制器, 应用数值仿真方法, 研究了摆式列车直线和曲线通过时两种控制器对摆式列车受电弓垂向主动控制的效果。结果表明受电弓若无垂向控制, 其弓网接触压力波动较大; P和H∞鲁棒控制均能减小弓网接触压力的波动; 控制延时对P控制比对H∞鲁棒控制的影响大; 是否考虑接触网的振动对接触压力影响较大, 对控制效果影响不大。这说明摆式列车受电弓垂向主动控制能明显改善弓网接触压力波动; H∞鲁棒控制比P控制效果更好; 接触网的静态接触刚度模型可用于受电弓主动控制的定性分析。Abstract: In order to study the active control of pantograph vertical vibration, the mechanical-electric coupled nonlinear dynamics model of tilting train was set up, the linear model and nonlinear model for pantograph were constructed respectively, the finite element model and static contact stiffness model of the catenary were developed, the models were coupled together to constitute the tilting train-pantograph-catenary dynamics system. The P controller and H∞ robust controller were designed, the dynamic behavior of pantograph with P and H∞ robust controllers was studied by numerical simulation method. Numerical simulation result shows that the contact force between pantograph and catenary fluctuates heavily during curving negotiation when without pantograph vertical control, the fluctuation of the contact force can be reduced evidently if active vertical control is used, H∞ controller has better control performance than P controller when the time delay of the control system is taken into account, the catenary vibration!influences the contact force, but the controllers work well too.
Key words:
- tilting train /
- pantograph /
- active control /
- dynamics simulation
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