摘要: 为了维持水下开式循环涡轮发动机系统的高性能和经济性, 针对系统对于工况变化极为敏感的工作特点, 计算了喷管在各种工况下的出口速度, 分析了变转速、变压力条件下的涡轮输出转矩, 建立了适用于系统优化和新型控制器设计的系统数学模型。以设计压力比为关键参数, 取该模型的稳态特性, 可得到由系统转速、航速、燃烧室压力、航深、推进剂耗量以及设计压力比构成的封闭代数方程, 以多速制组合航程最大为寻优目标, 可完成系统所有设计参数的优化。实践证明采用该模型可使系统经济性提高8%以上。Abstract: In order to guarantee the high performance and efficiency of open loop thermal cycle underwater turbine engine system, the operation behaviour of system working in the condition of variable depth and speed was analysed, the gas speed of nozzle was calculated, the output moment of turbine engine was studied, a dynamics mathematics model being fit for system optimization and new controller design was built, close algebra equations composed by system rotation rate, voyage body speed, combustor pressure, voyage body depth, propellant wastage and pressure rate were gotten by using the stabilization behaviour of the mathematics model. All the design parameters of power system can be optimized by taking pressure rate as key parameter and taking maximal variable speed combination voyage as optimizing target. Applied result of the model shows that the efficiency of power system is improved over 8 %/0. 3 figs, 6 refs.
Key words:
- marine engineering /
- turbine engine /
- power system model /
- system optimization /
- controller
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