摘要: 为了有效地实现GPS/DR (Global Positioning System/Dead Reckoning) 组合导航系统的信息融合, 提高GPS/DR组合导航系统的精度和可靠性, 分析了传统的利用全球定位系统(GPS) 与航位推算系统(DR) 跟踪车辆位置方法的特点, 结合GPS和航位推算DR两种定位方式的优点, 在车辆定位技术中采用GPS/DR组合定位技术, 构建了基于卡尔曼滤波技术的自适应联合卡尔曼滤波器, 使用Matlab软件工具进行了计算机仿真验证, 从软件集成的角度探讨了GPS/DR组合定位技术的串口通信等关键技术的软件实现问题, 给出了GPS单独导航、DR单独导航和GPS/DR组合导航三种工作状态下的位置误差。从对比中可以看出, 组合系统能在任何情况下实现车辆的实时、可靠、准确的定位, 定位误差最小, 同时还可以减小甚至消除推算定位系统随时间积累的误差。
- 智能交通系统 /
- 车辆定位技术 /
- GPS/DR组合定位 /
- 卡尔曼滤波
Abstract: To realize the data fusion of integrated navigation system and improve the precision and reliability of GPS/DR, the characteristics of traditional methods tracking vehicle based on GPS and DR were analyzed, the advantages of GPS and DR were studied, an adaptive joint Kalman filter based on Kalman filtering technology was set up, its computer simulation system was designed by using Matlab software. The software realization problems of serial port communication in the integrated technology for GPS/DR were discussed, the navigation positioning errors of GPS, DR and integrated GPS/DR were computed. Computation result shows that the integrated GPS/DR navigation can actualize real-time, credible and exact vehicle positioning, its positioning error is minimum, it can decrease or eliminate the reckoning positioning system error accumulated with time.-
Key words:
- ITS /
- vehicle positioning technology /
- integrated GPS/DR navigation /
- Kalman filter
表 1 Ke, 1与τεe变量关系
Table 1. Relation of Ke, 1andτεe
τae Ke, 1 1 000.00 0.584 1 100.00 0.584 0 0.00 0.583 4 0.10 0.601 3 0.01 0.612 2 表 2 Ke, 1与τae变量关系
Table 2. Relation of Ke, 1andτae
τae Ke, 1 1 000.0 0.279 2 100.0 0.340 0 10.0 0.409 8 1.0 0.523 0 0.1 0.566 6 表 3 Ke, 1与σae变量关系
Table 3. Relation of Ke, 1andσae
σae Ke, 1 1.50 0.616 9 1.00 0.560 6 0.75 0.523 6 0.40 0.453 8 0.20 0.394 4 -
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