Intelligent traffic simulation based on agent and cellular automata
摘要: 针对智能体和元胞自动机在交通仿真研究中应用的相对独立现状, 分析了智能体和元胞自动机理论方法在交通仿真研究和应用中的特性及各自存在的局限性和优势。指出两者都具有“由底向上”的设计特点, 智能体能准确地描述各种复杂交通元素的特性和自主行为, 但实现复杂, 效率较低, 而元胞自动机方法实现简单, 仿真效率高, 但难以体现交通元素的个体差异。探讨了这两种方法相结合进行智能交通仿真的可行性, 以及它们的结合点和结合方法, 构建了一个基于智能体和元胞自动机相结合的基本智能交通仿真模型。仿真结果表明, 该方法既保持了元胞自动机的实现简单、效率高等基本特征和优点, 又能反映交通系统中交通元素的自主特性和个体差异。Abstract: The agent and cellular automata are mostly applied into traffic simulation separately. Their characteristics, merits and limitations applied in traffic simulation were studied, the feasibility of traffic simulation with the combination of agent and cellular automata was discussed, a new idea of traffic simulation based on the combination was proposed. It is pointed out that the two approaches are both based on the idea of "Bottom-Up", agent can reflect the autonomous characters of various complex traffic elements, but its realization is complex and has lower efficiency, cellular automata is difficult to reflect the difference of different traffic elements, but its realization is really simpler and has higher efficiency. Simulation result shows that the new modeling method of traffic simulation not only can reflect the simple and high efficient merits of cellular automata, but also can reflect the autonomous characters of traffic elements and the difference of different traffic elements.
Key words:
- intelligent traffic /
- traffic simulation /
- agent /
- cellular automata
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