摘要: 应用多层次模糊综合评价法优化危险货物运输路线, 在保障危险货物运输安全, 减少运输事故的前提下, 确定了影响道路危险货物运输安全的路线生态环境、人口密集区、交通状况3个主要因素, 建立了模糊综合评价模型。实际使用结果表明, 在所选的G108、G210、G316三条翻越秦岭山脉的国道线路中, G316是相对安全的, 这与实际相符, 说明采用模糊综合评价法是找到一条最优行车路线, 使危险货物运输危害程度降低到最小的有效方法。Abstract: In order to optimize the routes of TDG (transportation of dangerous goods) by multi-level fuzzy synthetic evaluation method, the ecological environment, densely populated district and traffic situation were determined as major factors that influence the safety of TDG to ensure transportation safety and to reduce transportation accidents of dangerous goods, a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model was established. The safe degrees of roads G108, G210 and G316 were computed with the method. The result shows that G316 is relatively safe, which accords with the evaluation result of road experts. The model is effective for finding an optimum vehicle trip route to reduce the harm degree of TDG.
Key words:
- traffic safety /
- TDG /
- optimum route /
- safety analysis /
- fuzzy synthetic evaluation
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