摘要: 为进一步降低日益复杂的物流配送成本, 通过对物流配送网络系统分析, 提出更为接近实际的三层次物流配送网络结构。针对第二层次车辆路线问题(VRP)网络模型, 运用四叉树原理进行客户分区, 使用两阶段启发式算法优化车辆行驶路线, 采用C语言编程实现了算法设计。运用模拟数据通过LINGO程序仿真测试, 显示该算法计算结果与LINGO计算结果相同, 而计算时间大幅度降低, 说明了该算法快速、有效。Abstract: In order to reduce the complex network distribution system was presented network distribution systems. In view of th costs of logistics distribution, three steps oglstics after analyzing the properties of present logistics e second step VRP network model, customers were divided into different regions by quadtree principle, VRP was optimized by the saving and 2-opt methods of heuristics algorithms. The design of algorithms was realized by C program. The computation results of C program and LINGO program are same by simulative test, and the running time of the algorithms is less than the one by LINGO program, which proves that the algorithms are high-efficiency and feasible. 3 tabs, 9 figs, 8 refs.
表 1 各城市需求点与需求量
Table 1. Demand of city customers
需求点(城市配送中心) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 需求量 110 80 110 66 66 66 66 66 表 2 各配送中心的距离
Table 2. Distances of distribution centers
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 625 860 1 160 415 360 400 280 620 1 0 280 500 985 800 1 020 865 1 165 2 0 230 1 170 1 070 1 255 1 120 1 425 3 0 1 325 1 290 1 455 1 310 1 650 4 0 655 340 390 690 5 0 420 270 365 6 0 170 355 7 0 260 8 0 表 3 配送分区结果与优化解
Table 3. Division result and optimum solution
车辆载质量为250,总需求量为630,分3个区 各分区巡回线路的优化解 分区号 分区总需求量 分区内的需求点(城市配送中心) 巡回路径 1 190 2.3 0-2-3-0 2 242 1,4,6 0-1-4-6-0 3 198 7,8,5 0-7-8-5-0 -
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