Computation model of rupture force between continuously welded rail and high-speed railway bridge
摘要: 在吸收前人研究成果的基础上, 采用实体单元模拟桥梁及桥梁墩台, 采用空间梁单元模拟钢轨及轨枕, 采用弹簧单元模拟钢轨、轨枕、桥梁与墩台之间的连接, 建立了断轨三维有限元空间力学模型。以秦沈客运专线10跨32 m简支双线整孔箱形梁桥为例, 对其进行断缝值影响因素分析。研究结果表明: 对于多跨简支梁桥, 断缝与梁温度变化幅度、断缝位置、支座摩擦阻力关系不大; 断缝值与扣件纵向阻力、钢轨温度变化幅度、桥墩纵向刚度、钢轨类型关系比较密切; 断缝值及采用的力学计算模型也有一定的关系, 相比传统计算模型, 空间力学模型计算结果偏小。Abstract: Based on the study achievements of some predecessors, bridge, pier and abutment were simulated by solid element, rail and sleeper were simulated by space beam element, the links of rail, sleeper, bridge, pier and abutment were simulated by spring element, a three-dimensional finite element spatial mechanics model for calculating the rupture force between continuously welded rail and high-speed railway bridge was established.Taking a 10-span-32 m simply supported double-track box girder beam bridge in Qin-Shen passenger special line as an example, the influence factors of rail gap were analyzed.The result shows that bridge temperature variation amplitude, bearing frictional force and rail gap position have little influence on rail gap, fastener longitudinal resistance, rail temperature variation amplitude, rail type and pier longitudinal stiffness have remarkable influence on rail gap, mechanics models also have some influence on rail gap, the computation result of new three-dimensional spatial model is lesser compared with traditional plane model.
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