摘要: 应用两弹簧一粘壶模型模拟了硅酮、聚氨酯、橡胶沥青、PVC改性沥青和聚氯乙烯胶泥嵌缝料的粘弹性性能, 给出了其粘弹性参数的回归公式, 提出了嵌缝料结构温度下降产生的拉伸应力和车辆驶过接缝引起的剪切应力计算方法, 建立了控制嵌缝料与混凝土槽壁剥落脱离的结构极限状态方程, 对所选用嵌缝料的路用性能进行了分析和评价。研究结果表明嵌缝料与混凝土槽壁的剥落脱离破坏主要由车辆驶过接缝产生的剪切应力引起的, 决定性因素是嵌缝料低温与高速剪切状态下嵌缝料的劲度, 而温度下降产生的拉伸应力的影响是次要的。Abstract: The model composed of one viscous and two elastic elements was used to simulate the viscoelastic performances of silicone, polyurethane, rubber asphalt, PVC modified asphalt and polyvinyl chloride mortar, some regressive formulas of the viscoelastic parameter of sealant were provided, the computing approaches of sealant tensile stress arising out of temperature drop and sealant shearing stress caused by vehicle load were established, a limit state equation related to sealant stripping out of joint wall was developed, and the road service performance of experimental sealant was analyzed and evaluated accordingly.It is found that the adhesive failure of sealant mostly arises from the shear stress caused by vehicle load, the primary cause is of sealant stiffness at low temperature under high frequency shearing condition, whereas the tensile stress arising out of temperature drop is subordinate.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- cement concrete pavement /
- joint sealant /
- road performance /
- viscoelasticity /
- limit state
表 1 常温式嵌缝料的回归系数
Table 1. Regressive parameters of sealants applied at normal temperature
力学参数 k1/MPa k2/MPa τk/s 回归系数 a b a b a b 硅酮1 -0.003 3 0.93 -0.003 3 0.28 -0.38 87.8 硅酮2 -0.001 3 0.06 -0.000 8 0.06 -1.11 66.7 聚氨酯 -0.007 5 0.14 -0.005 0 0.10 -0.92 66.7 表 2 加热式嵌缝料的回归系数
Table 2. Regressive parameters of sealants applied at high temperature
力学参数 k1/MPa k2/MPa τk/s 回归系数 a b c a b c a b c 橡胶沥青 4.42 0.17 0.18 0.98 0.13 0.21 0.25 0.015 -0.64 PVC沥青 74.00 0.24 0.33 0.72 0.18 0.14 0.25 0.023 -0.56 聚氯乙烯胶泥 16.40 0.15 0.53 0.77 0.12 0.26 0.01 0.040 -0.98 表 3 试验结果
Table 3. Test result
嵌缝料种类 平均粘结强度/MPa 平均极限延伸量/mm 角点粘结强度/MPa 硅酮1 0.30 16.00 > 0.35 硅酮2 0.08 16.00 > 0.09 聚氨酯 2.36 13.60 2.85 聚氯乙烯胶泥 0.29 6.76 0.41 PVC沥青 0.84 1.58 1.46 橡胶沥青 0.45 0.41 0.83 表 4 允许弯沉差
Table 4. Allowable deflection
0.01mm 极限状态 σ1m+σ2m≤f σ2m≤f 接缝宽度/mm 4 6 8 10 4 6 8 10 嵌缝料种类 硅酮1 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 硅酮2 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 聚氨酯 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 > 20 聚氯乙烯胶泥 1.3 2.0 2.8 3.5 1.5 2.3 3.1 3.9 PVC沥青 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 橡胶沥青 5.5 8.5 12.0 15.0 6.5 9.0 12.0 16.0 -
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