摘要: 为了提高三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽的整体通过能力, 分析了三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽联合调度的实际需求, 建立了三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽联合调度数学模型, 考虑了闸室面积利用率最大、整体待闸时间最小两个目标函数和船舶编排过程中的八个约束, 应用串联排队网络理论求解模型。算法将申报船舶按照航向分成四个船舶序列, 动态计算每艘船舶的权重, 兼顾船舶长度与宽度优先, 待闸时间约束、葛洲坝船闸通航条件限制和任务均衡的要求, 循环排船, 逐步优化。应用结果表明应用该数学模型和编排算法编制一个计划期的两坝五闸计划仅需2 min, 编排时间短, 葛洲坝2#船闸的闸室面积利用率高于70%, 并且客船和旅游观光船均排在前面的闸次中, 说明客船的待闸时间约束是满足的, 并且在航向上是上下航向交替运行, 没有出现倒闸情况, 编制的计划满足实际调度需要。
- 交通管理 /
- 三峡-葛洲坝水利枢纽 /
- 数学模型 /
- 联合调度 /
- 串联排队网络
Abstract: In order to increase the whole passing ability of Three GorgesGezhou Dam, a mathematical model on the co-scheduling problem of Three GorgesGezhou Dam was given out, based on the analysis of its actual needs, two objective functions to maximize the utilization ratio of lock chamber and minimize the whole navigation lock waiting time were considered, along with eight constraint conditions during ship arrangements, a scheduling algorithm based on series queuing network was put out.In the algorithm, declarated ships were divided into four sequences and each ship's weight was calculated, ship's length and width priorities, navigation lock waiting time constraints, the navigable constraints of Gezhou Dam navigation lock and task equalizing conditions were considered, circularly scheduling ships and plan's step-by-step optimizations were carried out.Applied result shows that making a two-dam-five-gate plan only needs 2 min, the lock chamber utilization ratio of Gezhou Dam's 2# gate is higher than 70%, and passenger ship and touring ship are arranged to the front, the waiting time restriction of passenger ship is satisfied, ship up-and-down running courses are alternant, no converse course occurs, which indicates that the plan is quite effective according to practical application. -
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