摘要: 应用智能主体技术, 针对双向四车道高速公路意外事件影响下的车辆跟驰行为, 建立了基于智能主体的车辆跟驰模型, 利用西部高速公路交通调查统计的数据, 对车辆主体的间距愿望进行了定量分析, 利用比例微分控制确定车辆主体的加速度响应, 建立了不同加速度队列的逻辑意图, 使模型的加速度响应符合车辆的动力特性。利用开发的EAD-Simulation系统, 在特定和随机两种不同过程下对模型进行的测试表明: 利用智能主体技术描述高速公路意外事件影响下的跟驰行为, 可充分发挥其个性、自治性和自适应性的特点, 在主体的属性描述中利用比例微分控制“类阻尼”的特性, 可有效地对车辆主体的稳定性进行控制。Abstract: With agent technology and in view of car-following behavior under the influence of accidents happening on bidirectional four-carriageway expressway, a car-following model based on agent was established.In the description of vehicle agent properties, the quantitative analysis of its separation-desire was carried out according to the data of West China expressway traffic surveys and statistics, the acceleration of vehicle agent was determined by proportional-derivative control theory, the logic intention queue with different accelerations was set up, which made the acceleration response of the model comply with vehicle dynamic features.The model was tested both under specified condition and in random process according to EAD-simulation system.Test result shows that the model can represent the individuality, self-constraint characteristic and self-adaptability of vehicle agent, control its stability by the similar damped character of proportional-derivative control.
Key words:
- traffic engineering /
- car-following model /
- agent /
- accident
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