摘要: 为了在车辆-轨道耦合动力学仿真中能更真实反映轮轨接触状态, 利用迹线法原理和轨廓分区法, 在考虑轮对的横移、浮沉、摇头、侧滚和左右钢轨的横移、浮沉、侧滚的条件下, 分别计算轨顶和轨侧区域与车轮的最小轮轨间隙量, 以此来判断轮轨的真实接触状态: 正常的一点接触、非正常的一点接触、两点接触和车轮完全悬浮, 并根据非线性赫兹接触理论分别求得两接触点处的轮轨法向力。轮轨接触关系仿真结果表明根据轮轨接触关系计算方法得出的轮轨接触关系符合车辆在实际线路上的运行状态。Abstract: In order to reflect really wheel-rail contact states, the displacement, bouncing, yaw, roll of wheelsets and the displacement, bouncing, roll of rails were considered, wheel-rail normal forces at two contact points were respectively calculated by nonlinear Hertz contact theory, the minimum gap between rail and wheel was calculated by trochoid method and divided rail outline method, so that wheel-rail real contact states, such as natural one-point contact, nonnatural one-point contact, two-point contact and wheel complete lift, were easily judged.Simulation result of wheel-rail contact relation shows that judged wheel-rail relation accords with real wheel-rail contact relation, the method is feasible.
表 1 物理量含义
Table 1. Meanings of physical quantities
RztR RytR RrtR δtminR δfminR 右轮滚动圆半径 右轮踏面横向曲率半径 右钢轨横向曲率半径 轨顶最小间隙 轨侧最小间隙 表 2 计算结果
Table 2. Calculation result
算例1 算例2 算例3 输入 yw 0 8 3 φw 0 0 2.0×10-4 θw 0 2.91×10-3 -3.0×10-4 zw 0 0 -1.5 yrL 0 0 -1 zrL 0 0 -1 θrL 0 0 0 yrR 0 0 -1 zrR 0 0 -1 θrR 0 0 1.0×10-5 yrirL 0 0 4 zrirL 0 0 2 yrirR 0 0 -3 zrirR 0 0 -2 结果 RztL 457.9 456.9 457.9 RztR 457.9 461.7 461.1 RytL -500.0 -500.0 -500.0 RytR -500.0 -100.0 -100.02 RrtL 300.0 300.0 80.0 RrtR 80.0 13.0 13.0 δtminR -7.3×10-7 2.0 -2.2 δfminR -7.3×10-7 -2.6 -2.2 注: 长度单位为mm; 角度单位为rad。 -
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