摘要: 为了研究纤维掺量对沥青混凝土变形性能的影响, 选用纤维掺量分别为沥青混凝土总质量的0、0.15%、0.20%、0.25%、0.30%的马歇尔试件, 在MTS810材料试验机上进行劈裂试验, 试验温度为15℃, 分析了劈裂试验结果随纤维掺量变化的规律, 应用无量纲的韧性指数和劈裂强度评价纤维沥青混凝土的变形性能。研究结果发现, 纤维的加入没有显著增大沥青混凝土的劈裂强度, 但其韧性得到明显的改善, 反映出材料的抗变形能力得以增强, 韧性指数能够作为评价纤维沥青混凝土变形性能的指标, 根据劈裂强度给出聚酯纤维改善沥青混凝土变形性能的合理掺量约为0.20%。Abstract: In order to study the deformation of polyester fiber asphalt concrete with different fiber contents by splitting test, Marshall samples of asphalt mixture, with fiber quality contents of 0, 0.15%, 0.20%, 0.25% and 0.30%, were tested by MTS810 at (15 ℃, ) a non-dimensional toughness index was induced in order to evaluate the deformation performance of polyester fiber asphalt concrete.It is found that polyester fiber doesn't evidently change the splitting strength, but it significantly enhances the toughness and deformation resistance of asphalt concrete, the proposed toughness index can properly evaluate the deformation resistance of polyester fiber asphalt concrete, and the optimum fiber content is about 0.20% according to the toughness index and the splitting strength.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- fiber asphalt concrete /
- splitting test /
- toughness
表 1 沥青性能指标
Table 1. Technical parameters of asphalt
软化点/℃ 针入度(25℃) /0.1mm 延度(15℃) /cm 含蜡量/% 闪点/℃ 溶解度/% 沥青薄膜加热试验(163℃, 5h) 密度(25℃) / (g·cm-3) 质量损失/% 针入度比/% 延度(15℃) /cm 45.5 86 > 100 1.93 251 99.7 0.16 62.1 42.7 1.008 表 2 集料性能指标
Table 2. Properties of test aggregates
材料 压碎值/% 磨耗值/% 吸水率/% 含泥量/% 亲水系数 表观相对密度/ (g·cm-3) 针片状含量/% 塑性指数/% 粗集料 13.8 12.6 — — — 2.772 10.7 — 石屑 — — 0.75 — — 2.706 — — 砂子 — — 1.26 2 0.9 2.651 — — 矿粉 — — — — — 2.724 — 2.6 表 3 聚酯纤维物化性能参数
Table 3. Physical and chemical parameters of test polyester fiber
纤维类型 纤维直径/mm 拉伸强度/MPa 断裂伸长率/% 纤维长度/mm 密度/ (g·cm-3) 熔点/℃ 弹性模量/MPa 燃点温度/℃ 卷曲性 耐酸、碱性能 单丝 0.015±0.005 1 165 38 6±1 1.36~1.38 260 9 536 > 560 无 强 表 4 马歇尔试验结果
Table 4. Result of Marshall test
纤维掺量/% 最佳沥青用量/% 毛体积密度/ (g·cm-3) 空隙率/% 稳定度/kN 流值/0.1mm 0 5.20 2.458 4.30 8.48 25.4 0.15 5.31 2.432 4.47 8.79 26.6 0.20 5.35 2.423 4.62 9.03 27.3 0.25 5.41 2.388 4.71 8.32 28.7 0.30 5.45 2.381 4.83 8.07 30.4 表 5 劈裂试验结果
Table 5. Result of splitting test
纤维掺量/% 破坏荷载/kN 劈裂强度/MPa 劲度模量/MPa 破坏应变 0 9.68 0.958 161.45 0.011 1 0.15 10.04 0.994 202.99 0.009 2 0.20 10.24 1.014 250.24 0.007 6 0.25 9.24 0.915 176.05 0.009 7 0.30 8.50 0.842 166.47 0.009 5 -
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