摘要: 为了有效测量多孔混凝土的渗透系数, 通过分析渗透系数的物理基础, 提出确定Darcy定律对多孔混凝土适用范围的方法, 根据常水头渗透试验原理, 考虑侧壁渗漏、套筒尺寸及测压管位置等因素, 研制出简单实用的常水头多孔混凝土渗透仪, 分析了影响渗透系数测试的试件性状和水等因素, 提出多孔混凝土渗透系数测定的试验操作过程及数据处理方法, 测试了多孔混凝土在不同配合比时的渗透系数。结果表明多孔混凝土具有良好的排水性能, 其常见配合比的渗透系数均大于10 cm.s-1, 同时渗透系数和有效空隙率之间符合相关系数为0.968 1的幂指数关系, 可见常水头测试方法可准确有效地测定多孔混凝土的渗透系数。Abstract: In order to effectively measure the permeability coefficient of porous concrete, the physical foundation of its permeability coefficient was analyzed, an ascertaining method of Darcy law applicable range to porous concrete was put forward.According to the measurement principle of constant head permeability test, a simple and practicable constant head permeameter of porous concrete was developed on the basis of considering the factors of side wall leakage, sleeve dimension and piezometer location.Besides, the factors of test piece status and water were analyzed, the test operation and data processing method of porous concrete were proposed, and the permeability coefficients of different porous concretes were tested.Test result shows that porous concrete has fine drainage performance, its permeability coefficient is more than 10 cm·s-1; there is power exponent relationship between its permeability coefficient and effective porosity, their correlation coefficient is 0.9681.The result indicates that the method can test the permeability coefficient of porous concrete accurately and effectively.
Key words:
- pavement engineering /
- porous concrete /
- permeability coefficient /
- permeameter
表 1 集料级配
Table 1. Aggregate gradations
级配类型 筛径/mm 31.5 25.0 20.0 16.0 10.0 5.0 2.5 级配1 100 — 76~87 — 0~5 — — 级配2 100 — 76~87 — 50~71 0~5 — 级配3 — 100 90~100 — 20~55 0~10 0~5 级配4 — 100 — 25~60 — 0~10 0~5 表 2 临界水力梯度建议值
Table 2. Suggested values of critical hydraulic gradients
级配类型 级配1 级配2 级配3 级配4 临界水力梯度 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 表 3 测试结果
Table 3. Test result
级配类型 配比编号 配合比/ (kg·m-3) 渗透系数/ (cm·s-1) 有效空隙率/% 集料 水泥 水 水灰比 级配1 1-1 1 668 185 67 0.36 14.56 32.88 1-2 1 668 167 65 0.39 18.99 33.82 级配2 2-1 1 720 215 77 0.36 3.65 25.20 2-2 1 720 156 61 0.39 10.25 31.41 级配3 3-1 1 757 220 86 0.39 7.73 28.32 3-2 1 757 160 58 0.36 17.25 33.50 级配4 4-1 1 782 198 77 0.39 10.73 30.65 4-2 1 782 178 64 0.36 12.22 29.80 -
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