摘要: 在考虑传力杆松动量的基础上, 建立了重复荷载作用下刚性路面传力杆接缝模型, 提出了以第一传荷状态临界荷载为特征的传荷能力评价指标和方法, 研究了荷载大小、荷载作用位置及传力杆松动量对传力杆接缝传荷能力的影响, 分析了重复荷载作用下弯沉传荷系数指标的适用性, 并与考虑传力杆松动量的接缝传荷能力指标进行了对比研究。发现重复荷载作用下, 接缝两侧的荷载-弯沉关系曲线具有分段线性的特征, 存在多级传荷状态临界荷载, 实测与计算第一传荷状态临界荷载误差仅为4.2%;重复荷载作用4×104次后, 弯沉传荷系数变化范围为57.3%~71.5%, 而考虑传力杆松动量的传荷能力为0~51.9%。结果表明考虑松动量影响的传力杆接缝力学模型是可靠的, 以第一传荷状态临界荷载为特征的传荷能力评价指标和方法, 能够反映刚性路面传力杆接缝的实际传荷状况, 是评价其传荷能力的有效方法。Abstract: Based on considering dowel loosened quantity, a doweled joint model of rigid pavement under repetitive loading was formed, a new method figured by the first critical load of load-transfered condition was put forward to evaluate load-transfered capacity at joint, the effect of load size, load position and dowel loosened quantity on joint load-transfered capacity was studied, the applicability of existing load-transfered index figured by direct deflection ratio under repetitive loading was analyzed, and compared with that of new load-transfered index which took dowel loosened quantity into consideration.It is found that the relationship between load and deflection near joint under repetitive loading is subsection linear character, there exists several levels of critical loads, the error between field test load and calculated first critical load in load-transfered condition is only 4.2%;direct deflection ratio changes from 57.3% to 71.5%, and load-transfered capacity with dowel loosened quantity changes from 0 to 51.9% after 4×104 times repetitive loading.Analysis result shows that the model is reliable, the new method can actually reflect the load-transfered status of doweled joint in rigid pavement under repetitive loading.
表 1 路面参数
Table 1. Pavement parameters
混凝土板参数 尺寸/ (cm·cm) 板厚H/cm 弹性模量Ec/MPa 支承模量Bk/MPa 泊松比μc 180×200 20 3.4×104 1.6×104 0.15 传力杆与接缝参数 布型 直径D/cm 弹性模量Ed/MPa 泊松比μd 缝宽b/cm 30 cm×6根 2.0 2.1×105 0.30 1.5 地基参数 计算模量Es/MPa 泊松比μs 180 0.35 荷载作用面积(作用于缝边板中) / (cm·cm) 25.0×25.0 表 2 各级荷载作用下的计算弯沉、传荷能力及各级临界荷载
Table 2. Calculated deflections, load-transfered coefficients and critical loads under different load levels
荷载P/kN 中心板计算弯沉W1/cm 边板计算弯沉W2/cm 式(3) 弯沉传荷系数EW/% 式(9) EW/% 临界荷载PLi/kN 0 0 0 — — 传力杆不传递荷载 5 0.002 81 0.001 61 57.3 0 10 0.005 61 0.003 22 57.3 0 15 0.008 42 0.004 83 57.4 0 PL1=15.634#传力杆开始传荷 20 0.011 01 0.006 66 60.5 14.6 25 0.013 56 0.008 54 63.0 25.7 PL2≈PL3=24.253#、5#传力杆开始传荷 30 0.016 00 0.010 51 65.7 34.1 35 0.018 45 0.012 48 67.6 40.3 PL4≈PL5=37.132#、6#传力杆开始传荷 40 0.020 89 0.014 46 69.2 45.0 45 0.023 32 0.016 44 70.5 48.8 50 0.025 76 0.018 43 71.5 51.9 1#、7#传力杆始终不传荷 -
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