摘要: 为了优化永磁式缓速器的结构参数和提高永磁式缓速器的制动性能, 应用复矢量磁位方法, 分析了缓速器内部的磁位分布, 计算了转子鼓中的涡流损耗, 推导了永磁式缓速器的制动力矩计算公式, 以反映永磁式缓速器制动力矩与各设计参数之间的相互关系。复矢量计算方法的计算结果与缓速器台架试验结果比较和分析表明, 试验值与理论值吻合较好, 最大误差不大于6%, 采用复矢量磁位计算方法计算永磁式缓速器制动力矩具有很好的逼近效果。Abstract: In order to optimize the design parameters, and improve the braking performance for permanent magnet retarder, its magnetization vector distribution was analyzed by complex vector method, its eddy loss was calculated in rotor, the computation formulae of its braking torque were derived in order to reflect the mutual relations among braking torque and different design parameters.The comparison of bench test result and computation result shows that the maximum error is less than 6%, so the computation formulae are feasible, and they are approximate to compute retarder braking torque.
Key words:
- automobile engineering /
- permanent magnet retarder /
- braking torque /
- computation method
表 1 转子鼓参数
Table 1. Parameters of rotor
项目 物性 电导率/ (S·m-1) 相对磁导率 热传导系数/[W· (m·K)-1] 热扩散率/ (m2·s-1) 比热容/[J· (kg·K)-1] 密度/ (kg·m-3) 大小 6.0×106 600 54.7 23.1×10-6 574 7870 -
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