摘要: 为了提高汽车半主动悬架的控制效果, 以空气弹簧压力为控制对象, 应用自适应神经网络控制方法, 进行了不同路面激励下的半主动空气悬架的车身垂直加速度、悬架动挠度和车轮动载荷的计算机仿真和实验研究, 并与被动悬架系统的相应参数进行了对比。发现在白噪声路面和较低频率的正弦路面激励下, 半主动空气悬架采用自适应神经网络控制能够明显降低车身垂直加速度、车轮动载荷和悬架动挠度, 降低范围为16%~85%, 提高了车辆的操纵稳定性, 改善了车辆的行驶安全性与乘坐舒适性。Abstract: In order to improve the control effect of vehicle semi-active suspension, adaptive neural network control method was developed, the air pressure of spring was taken as controlled object, the computer simulation and experiment of body plumb acceleration, suspension dynamic deflection and wheel dynamic load with semi-active air suspension under the excitations of different road surfaces were studied, the control result of neural network control suspension was compared with the control effect of passive suspension.Under the excitations of white noise roads and lower frequency sinusoid roads, the result shows that the semi-active suspension with the method not only markedly reduces body plumb acceleration, wheel dynamic load, suspension dynamic deflection, the decreased range is from 16% to 85%, but also improves automotive driving stability, riding comfortable performance and running security.
Key words:
- vehicle engineering /
- air suspension /
- neural network control method /
- simulation /
- experimental study
表 1 悬架参数
Table 1. Suspension parameters
簧下质量m1/kg 簧上质量m2/kg 轮胎刚度k1/ (kN·m-1) 悬架基值刚度k0/ (kN·m-1) 悬架阻尼c/ (kN·s·m-1) 25 330 170 13 1 表 2 仿真结果的均方根值
Table 2. Mean square roots of simulation result
悬架类型 车身加速度/ (m·s-2) 车轮动载荷/N 悬架动挠度/mm 白噪声 正弦波 白噪声 正弦波 白噪声 正弦波 被动悬架 0.282 9 1.899 2 102.213 4 621.805 7 8.7 23.2 神经网络控制悬架 0.088 3 0.283 9 70.309 6 525.168 5 5.4 18.1 表 3 车身加速度均方根值
Table 3. Mean square roots of body accelerations m·s-2
悬架类型 正弦波激励频率f0/Hz 4 6 8 被动悬架 4.652 7 1.124 3 1.059 4 神经网络控制悬架 2.252 6 0.810 0 0.706 8 -
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