摘要: 为了在保持航向的同时, 达到较好的减摇效果, 提高船舶航行的安全性和舒适度, 设计一种舵鳍联合控制系统。根据先验知识, 用具有工程意义的带宽频率、高频渐近线斜率、最大奇异值和频谱峰值4个参数构造了闭环系统的传递函数阵, 给出了多输入多输出系统的闭环增益成形算法, 将之应用于舵鳍联合减摇的控制中, 运用Simulink工具箱得到仿真曲线。仿真结果表明所设计的控制系统在保证航向控制的同时, 船舶横摇平均在±2°左右, 最大4°, 达到了较好的减摇效果。Abstract: In order to improve the safety and comfort of ship navigation, a kind of rudder-fin joint control system was designed to make ship have good course-keeping and roll-damping effects, a closed-loop gain shaping algorithm for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system was presented by constructing the transfer function matrix of the closed-loop system according to prior knowledge, four parameters with engineering meaning, such as bandwidth frequency, high frequency asymptote slope, the largest singular value and the peak value of closed-loop frequency spectrum, were used to construct the matrix.The designed algorithm was applied to a rudder-fin joint control system, its simulating curves were obtained using Simulink.Simulation results show that the controll system has well control performances on course-keeping and roll stabilization, the average roll angle range is from +2° to-2°, and the maximum roll angle is 4°.
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